Please read our Privacy Policy

Data protection policy

This iSportsAnalysis Limited data protection policy depicts the legal data protection aspects with regards to the collection, storage and use of personal information collected by us, iSportsAnalysis Limited trading as iSportsAnalysis (hereafter ""), via our website at

This data protection policy is fully compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This data protection policy provides you with details about the personal information we collect from you, how we use your personal information, and your rights to control any personal information we hold about you.

Please read this privacy policy carefully.

By accessing or browsing, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to this data protection policy.

Preamble act as a "Processor" on behalf of "Controllers" such as Sports Clubs, Universities, Colleges, Private Schools, and Schools. We have always regarded data security a top priority, and before GDPR were fully compliant with the previous Data Protection Act. We regularly test and maintain the security of our systems which we regard to be as secure as is possible. act as "Controllers" of your data and use 3rd party "Processors", who are fully GDPR compliant, to securely host our website and the data we process. We also use 3rd party email service providers who are also GDPR compliant.

Data protection officer

The data protection officer is:

Mr. Anadi James Taylor
iSportsAnalysis Limited
Suite 298
28 Old Brompton Road,
South Kensington,

If you have any questions or queries regarding our GDPR policies, or personal data store, please contact Anadi Taylor through the website.

Security policy and responsibilities in the company process data lawfully; we do not use your data for purposes other than for the purpose it was given. If you have not opted into our marketing emails, you will not receive our marketing emails, you will only receive emails regarding your account and account activities. We do not share, sell, or pass your data onto anyone other than the 3rd parties we use to fulfill the purpose agreed when you gave us your information. maintain full transparency and can be contacted at any time with regards to your data and how it is processed.

The data we gather can be a combination of the following:

First name, last name, email address, telephone/mobile phone number, age, date of birth, biometric data (if you are using our GPS devices and system), thumbnail/photos and sports information such as the sports you are involved in, your positions in those sports, fitness test information and interests you have regarding

The only data we pass on to 3rd parties for processing is:

First name, last name, email address, and interests you have regarding services.

We only process the above data in order to provide the services you have subscribed to.

All personal data is managed and controlled by our DPO (data protection officer).

Personal data (Firstname, last name, email address, telephone/mobile phone number, age, date of birth, biometric data, thumbnail/photos and sports information) are only accessible through the permission-based website. This data is restricted to the "Controllers" who have employed our services to process their data. The "Controllers" can grant and deny permission to its users to use and update this information. employees are restricted to only seeing/using the information deemed necessary; we maintain very strict internal policies in this regard. maintain very strict policies for the protection of your stored data. Our systems are hosted in such a way that your data is only accessible through the permission-based access of our website -

All data transferred over the internet is achieved using the same encryption methods as banks, which we consider to be the highest form of data transfer security. Our security is reviewed on a regular basis and if advances in technology mean we can improve our security, we test and adopt quickly.

Legal grounds for processing your data


By subscribing to, or trialing and uploading data to be processed, you are consenting to allow us to process your data.


By subscribing and paying to use the services, you are contractually agreeing to the use of our services and the processing of your data.

Our legal obligation:

We are legally bound to provide you with a full disclosure of all the personal data store about you and your athletes/students. These records can be requested, at no cost to you, via email - please use the "Contact us" form on the website.

We are legally bound to remove any personal information we hold for an individual, or individuals, within a reasonable time by written request (this can be via email). has the functionality to immediately remove individual's personal data from our system. Once removed this data is NOT retrievable.

If you decide to unsubscribe from our services ALL data (personal and otherwise) will be removed after 30 days. This data is NOT retrievable.

Legitimate interest:

If, when you subscribe to our services, you click checkboxes which subscribe you to our marketing emails, your email address may be used on social media sites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram etc., to provide you with the best and most up-to-date information about the services we provide.

If you have not opted in, or have opted out of our marketing emails your data will not be used on social media sites.

Existing technical and organisational measures

Access control:

As a subscriber to you have full access to manage, update and delete all personal data you have uploaded to our system. You have full control as to who you grant and deny permission to use your data.

Data backup:

We maintain backups of all data. Backups are stored securely and cannot be accessed via the internet.

Information transfer:

All data, personal or otherwise, is transferred using the same "https" security used by banks.

Protection against malware:

The servers are maintained regularly and are updated with the latest security patches as they are released.

Cryptographic measures:

All online communications between and 3rd Parties, such as Amazon AWS, are done using "https" which is the same security used by banks when transferring data.

Security breach

If there is a data breach we will notify you, the account holder/subscriber, and the ICO (Information Commissions Office) within 72 hours of the breach.

Cookie policy

You can read our cookie policy here
(Facebook pixels and Google ads act as "Processors" when cookies are used and are fully compliant to the GDPR).


You can download GDPR compliance documents from the 3rd party companies we use

Amazon Web Services (AWS):

iSportsAnalysis privacy policy:

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