Work:Rest is a real-time system to monitor the amount of Work and Rest within your training drills, session and/or match. This enables you and your team to plan and train at the correct intensity
Training your sport at the correct intensity is key to improving performance and getting your team and athletes to peak physical condition
It is key to train the physical, tactical and technical components of sport in unison, not only to be time efficient, but to mimic the demands of your sport.
By training your sport at, or above the intensity of the game, your practice can directly transfer to competition
The Work:Rest system allows us to marry our training to the demands of the game. This means training at the right intensity. We can measure our high intensity sessions in real-time and adjust it on the run. I would recommend it!
Work:Rest helps us get the most out of each rugby session. We can plan and track the intensity of each session and each drill in a simple and effective way that resonates with the rugby coaches
Effective training that transfers to performance, is very much about the right intensity. This process starts with having the right work to rest within the session and drills that the Work:Rest system monitors perfectly, I would highly recommend it