Introducing our groundbreaking Coach Analysis Intervention System
What is the Coach Analysis Intervention System (CAIS)
CAIS – A Brief Overview
Developed by Professor Chris Cushion and a team at Loughborough University, the Coach Analysis Intervention System (CAIS) is an instrument and process that helps coaches analyse and better understand their own coaching behaviour.
This unique and powerful tool is recognized as the standard across the world of sport for coaches who are looking to analyse, develop and improve their own coaching practice in a systematic way.

The Role and Value of CAIS
The role of analysis (and analysis technology) in aiding development and in gaining those small margins and advantages that often separate winning from losing has long been widely recognized and athlete and team analysis is now utilized across sport at all levels.
Coaches clearly play a crucial role in the development of individual athlete and team performance. However, despite understanding the benefits of analysis in enhancing performance, what is far less common is for coaches to "turn the camera" around and analyse their own coaching behaviour.
As a result, we often do not know what our own coaching behaviour looks like and research has shown that coaches are notoriously poor at describing their own coaching behaviour.
CAIS offers coaches an insightful and flexible solution to this problem. Its multi-dimensional and multi-level framework provides meaningful and useful feedback in a coach-friendly manner, giving detailed data about specific coaching behaviours during training and competition. The fusion with the online iSportsAnalysis analysis platform gives coaches powerful, interactive analysis capability in a flexible and user-friendly design.

How does CAIS work?
- It enables coaches to upload video of their coaching quickly and seamlessly to the iSportsAnalysis online analysis platform from any device.
- The coach can then select the aspects of their coaching behaviour they want to view and analyse from the CAIS framework.
- They then use the CAIS interface to view their video and ‘tag’ key moments - providing as much or as little detail/context as they want.
- The interactive CAIS viewer then enables the coach instantly access and view any aspect of their coaching behaviour.
- The coaching behaviour data is generated automatically in the online platform and displayed visually for the coach to view and understand
- Bookmarks (Compilation Videos) of any key moments can be automatically generated.

Using the CAIS instrument
Choosing the Coaching Behaviours to analyse
- Once a coaching video has been uploaded the user can select those aspects of coaching behaviour that they want to analyse using the intuitive CAIS Template dashboard.
- The CAIS methodology comprises 23 Primary Coaching Behaviours that the coach can choose from. There are also a number of Secondary behaviours that can be selected and these provide additional layers of context and a more nuanced understanding of performance (E.g. content, timing, stage of practice/performance, recipient). A full list of the coaching behaviours that comprise the CAIS instrument can be downloaded here.

Choosing the Coaching Behaviours to analyse
- Using this functionality, the CAIS instrument facilitates an examination of the microstructure of coach behaviour and discernible patterns of ‘coaching’ to be identified.
- The CAIS online solution has been designed in such a way as to enable the user to add their own individualised coaching behaviours.
Entering Your Key Coaching Moments
- The intuitive iSportsAnalysis video ‘tagging’ system enables any moments of interest to be quickly added using the CAIS Template data entry facility.
- Events can be added either ‘live’ or post-event.
Create Bookmarks and Highlight movies
- The Event filter facility enables groups of events to be bookmarked, automatically creating a compilation movie of those events that is available for sharing (if required)..
Reviewing Your Key Coaching Behaviours
- The interactive review facility allows the user to instantly access and view any events that have been added during the ‘tagging’ process
- The event-filter feature provides the ability to select specific ‘types’ of behaviour to be selected - and then individual examples of those behaviours to be instantly viewed. The video moves to that exact point in the session.
Viewing Your Coaching Behaviour Data
- When events are added the CAIS instrument automatically generates your coaching behaviour data.
- This information is then displayed on the iSportsAnalysis platform, providing a detailed breakdown of coaching behaviour in a coach-friendly manner and discernible patterns of "coaching" to be identified.
- Coaching behaviour data can be exported from the iSportsAnalysis platform.
- Benchmarking of coaching behaviour over time facilitating comparisons to be made and providing the basis

What do we mean by Systematic Observation?
"Systematic observation permits a trained observer to use a set of guidelines and procedures to observe, record and analyse observable events and behaviours, with the assumption that other observers using the same observation instrument, and viewing the same sequence of events, would agree with the recorded data."
Ian Franks (1979)
Analyse & better understand coaching behaviour
CAIS User Testimonials

I have used CAIS for research, applied and teaching purposes and find it to be a powerful and versatile tool. The extensive primary behaviours and associated contextual information sets it apart from other systematic observation tools, meaning I can tailor my use to the particular research questions of interest. For teaching, I’ve used CAIS as part of active learning activities, helping students make more tangible links to abstract ideas such as coaching philosophy. I’ve even used the behaviour definitions for my own learning in coding and comparing my own questioning behaviour over time.
Dr Anna Stodter - Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University

At Plymouth Marjon University we have been using CAIS for a number of years and have found it to be a powerful yet accessible tool. For our undergraduate students, it provides the platform for increasing self-awareness of their coaching behaviours, while also helping them to develop analysis and interpretation skills. In addition, CAIS has formed the basis of several research and consultancy projects, where the ability to generate detailed and customisable data resulted in meaningful insights for the coach educators and practitioners involved.
Lecturer, Plymouth Marjon University - Ian Stonebridge
Why iSportsAnalysis?
The most effective coach analysis system
iSportsAnalysis bring you the only online Coach Analysis Intervention System developed by Loughborough University, ranked 1st in the world for sports-related subjects since 2017*.
The Coach Analysis Intervention System (CAIS) is recognized as the standard across the world of sport for clubs and coaches who are looking to analyse, develop and improve their coaching practices.
*QS World Subject Rankings 2017,2018, 2019, 2020
Share analysis securley online
Once your coach has been analysed you can share the results securely online. Coach analysis can be utilised by viewing the stats in charts and graphs making it quick and easy to see an overview of the coach performance.
Analysis can also be seen in our timeline view making it easy to see what happened and when, we have a matrix view making it easy to watch all the video clips for events and an event filter which enables you to create your own playlists of events, bookmark them and share them!
Compatible with other analysis software
CAIS analysis can be exported and used in other performance analysis software. It is a seamless process.
We understand that transferring analysis from one system to another can be an arduous process; iSportsAnalysis make it easy to export your CAIS analysis.
Our team are here to support you when you need it. We have a library of video tutorials helping you every step of the way.
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